During your complimentary consultation, we take the time to understand your health concerns and assess if chiropractic care is suitable for your needs. You'll have the opportunity to discuss your symptoms, medical history, and ask any questions you may have. This initial meeting allows us to create a tailored plan for your chiropractic journey.

The duration of a chiropractic visit can vary based on individual needs. On average, a session typically lasts between 30 to 60 minutes. This includes the consultation, examination, adjustments, and any additional therapies deemed beneficial for your condition. Our goal is to ensure thorough and effective care within a reasonable timeframe.

For your initial visit, please bring any relevant medical records, imaging results, or documentation of previous treatments. Additionally, wear comfortable clothing that allows ease of movement. This helps us better understand your condition and provide the most accurate assessment.

The number of chiropractic visits varies depending on the nature and severity of your condition. After the initial assessment, we discuss a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals. Regular progress evaluations will guide the adjustment of your treatment plan, ensuring you receive the optimal number of visits for maximum benefit.